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Murder At The Met // Adventures On The Way ... to The Met
Every inch of her smooth marble body is carved with tension. The fabric pulls against the buttons on her sleeve. Her fist, clenched in...

The Art of Joyful Misdirection // Adventures On The Way ... to the Big Apple Circus
“Can I take you to the circus for your birthday?” This is the invitation I texted to my *adult* friend a few weeks before he turned 37....

Back In The Saddle Again
The moment I felt myself hit the ground, I knew something bad had happened. As I landed, I heard a sound which the x-rays in the...

Thankful To Be A Quitter
Exactly two years ago today, while home for Thanksgiving, I was sitting on my parent’s couch in Ann Arbor, Michigan drawing a dog. I...

A Week in Portraits: November
From rushing back to New York to draw at the book release for the head of fashion at Instagram, to voting in the midterm elections...

It Started Accidentally...
I accidentally started the Drawn On The Way project while commuting on the subway in New York City one evening in 2012. At the time, I...

Is Real Life Just CosPlay?
Renaissance: ~ [ren-uh-sahns] < French: rebirth, equivalent to renaiss- (to be born again) ~ A period in European civilization...

On The Way
Musings on the journey
from here to there.
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